Quantum Estimation
In order to improve the biomedical signal quality, we designed different algorithms based on a quantum method called Semi-Classical Signal Analysis (SCSA) [1]. This method has the ability to decompose the input signal/image into a set of components based on the Eigen-spectrum of the Schrödinger operator.
We targeted different biomedical applications:
- MRI image enhancement using adaptive algorithm based on image segmentation
- MRS residual water suppression using the squared eigenfunctions of the Schrödinger operator
- Complex MRS signal denoising using SCSA-based soft thresholding.
This work was under the supervision of professor Meriem laleg (KAUST).
Useful references
[1] https://emang-kaust.github.io/index.html
[2] https://cemse.kaust.edu.sa/emang/quantum-based-signal-processing